This post is all about Wealth In A Jar of Oil.  Your jar of oil can set you debt-free.  Really, a jar of oil?  Well, not necessarily a jar of oil; but have you ever considered you could have a hidden talent, skill, or product that can bring you financial freedom.

A mother was filled with grief in the loss of her husband, and it seems like her grief would triple because her two sons were used as security and collateral for a debt her husband owed and had not paid off.

Instead of the mother wallowing in self-pity, she seeks the advice of her dead husband’s friend who gave her godly counsel on how to pay off her debt.

 Read this post on how a jar of oil, miraculously, paid off a personal family debt. Understand that your talent, product, or service can be worth more than you think!


Personal Finance


In this story, you will find a widow who is not only stricken with grief but is also overcome by a personal debt owed, but she did not crumble.  While under pressure and stress, she rose to the occasion to find a way to save her sons and keep her family together.  You have the same capabilities and access to the same type of strength and fortitude.


Read this spiritual story and see what valuable nuggets you gained from it.

“The wife of a man from the group of the prophets cried out to Elisha. She said, “My husband is dead. You know how much respect he had for the Lord. But he owed money to someone. And now that person is coming to take my two boys away. They will become his slaves.”  Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me. What do you have in your house?” “I don’t have anything there at all,” she said. “All I have is a small jar of olive oil.”  Elisha said, “Go around to all your neighbors. Ask them for empty jars. Get as many as you can.  

Then go inside your house. Shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars. As each jar is filled, put it over to one side.”  The woman left him. Then she shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her. And she kept pouring.  When all the jars were full, she spoke to one of her sons. She said, “Bring me another jar.” But he replied, “There aren’t any more left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.  She went and told the man of God about it. He said, “Go and sell the oil. Pay what you owe. You and your sons can live on what is left.” 

After reading this story, these are some of the valuable nuggets I gained.


1.  Overwhelmed by Personal Debt

In this story, I see a widow woman who is filled with anxiety and overwhelmed by the personal financial debt of a deceased husband.  A woman who loves her sons who were used as collateral for a loan.  Now, that the breadwinner is decreased, the wife is stressed about how she is going to pay back this debt and save her sons.  In biblical days, children were used as collateral to secure loans.


Whereas today, our houses and cars are used as security.  I think you and I can relate to this woman, especially if you are living paycheck to paycheck.  One missed check could have us homeless. Some debtors really do not care about your personal situation all they want is their money.


 2.  Man of Compassion

While the widow found herself in a distressing situation, she did not stand by idle and do nothing.  She reached out to a dear friend and colleague of her husband’s, who might help.  She sought wise counsel. He helped her to utilize the one little resource she had left in her house, a jar of oil.


Oil today has multiple uses such as cooking, body massage, cars, and heating.  We may be at the end of our ropes and think we have nothing of value to offer, but if you search deep down within; you are gifted with many talents and skills.  Use, the little resource you have, to get rid of your personal debt and show compassion to others.  Store your loose change in a jar or container.


I remember one year my son and grandson saved all their loose change in this big bottle.  We took it to the bank, and they had saved almost $300, which became my grandson’s Christmas money. Your pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters can add up to much over time.  It seems, as though, loose change will not make you rich, however, if you save it consistently, over time you will be able to purchase stocks which could lead to financial success one day.


3.  Generous Neighbors

Our next-door neighbors are not our only neighbors, but anyone we encounter.  I believe the mother started with those she knew, whom she had helped in the past, and who would willingly reciprocate. She had a huge debt to pay off; therefore, she needed as many empty bottles as she could get. The generosity of her neighbors, friends, family, and strangers helped her to accomplish her mission.


I believe her neighbors came through for her because she was there in their time of need, well respected in the community, and cared about people.  We should always care about people and treat them with respect and dignity.



4.  Debt-Free

Because of wise counsel, the generosity of neighbors, and a small product (a jar of oil), the woman was able to save her family from financial ruins and ended up with a positive cash flow left over to live off.

You can become debt-free or achieve your life-long dreams if you faint not in the day of adversity.


5.  Faith Increased

When I approach the Bible, I believe there is always spiritual wisdom that I can learn first.  While the woman’s faith appears to be little, the prophet had Great Faith!  This situation increased the family’s faith because they shut off (closed doors) and saw a miraculous miracle take place.  Sometimes, you and I must shut out the noise and listen to that still small voice and not become overwhelmed by anxiety.


You do not have to be overwhelmed by your personal finances.  There are many people who are willing to support you especially when you have been kind and generous to them.  Make sure you give with a sincere heart.  Network with those who will strengthen your faith and have a desire to see you prosper in every area of your life.


We spend countless years as an employee building other people’s wealth but seldom think about building wealth for ourselves and our families.  We are blessed, with many skills and talents to achieve the impossible!


This post is all about Wealth In A Jar of Oil.  You are a wealthy jar of oil!   What products or services that you believe can empower and add value to countless lives? All you need to do is look deep within yourself.



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